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Home » O Papel Fundamental do Fitness Trainer na Promoção da Saúde

"The Fundamental Role of the Fitness Trainer in Promoting Health and Well-Being"

"Life in the United States, known for its hectic pace and pursuit of more money, is often marked by poor lifestyle choices.

The lack of organized meal times, insufficient water intake, and fatigue (which leads to a lack of regular supervised exercise) result in the onset of diseases such as high blood pressure (Hypertension), obesity, back pain, headaches, severe menstrual cramps, early menopause, diabetes, anxiety, and depression, as well as an increased risk of various cancers.

Although everyone knows that 80% of current diseases are caused by a poor lifestyle, few prepare for prevention and thus do not seek the help of a Fitness Trainer. This decision leads to high costs associated with diseases, resulting in numerous other issues such as absenteeism from work. Therefore, it is clear that hiring a fitness trainer is essential, as, in addition to all the health benefits, the cost of prevention is lower. After all, 'prevention is better than cure' in every sense! When you become ill, there is not only the harm to your body and mind but also financial loss due to work absences and increased stress on your support network (family and friends)."


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