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"Fibromyalgia: Why It Happens"

"Living with pain is not easy. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many people dealing with fibromyalgia. Exercise physiologist Ma. Cláudia Lana points out: 'In Brazil, more than 3.5 million women suffer from fibromyalgia. Worldwide, there are over 105 million women.' Although it is more common in women, the condition also occurs in men.

According to Cláudia, fibromyalgia can be understood as a neurobiological disorder related to a psychiatric or psychological disorder. In other words, fibromyalgia can be seen as a central sensitization syndrome. Central sensitization can be defined as an abnormal and inadequate response of the Central Nervous System to peripheral stimuli due to neuronal hyperexcitability, causing pain to be amplified inappropriately, thus making fibromyalgia a systemic inflammation."


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